President Sisi’s Directive: High-Quality Medical Bandages Factory and Fertilizer Production Complex in Ain Sokhna

Today, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi met with Major General Waleed Abu El Magd, Director of the National Service Projects Organization for the Armed Forces, Major General Ayhab Abdel Samei, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nasr Company for Intermediate Chemicals, and Dr. Abdel Monem Azmi, Chairman of the Board of PIL Medical Dressings Company.

Ambassador Bassam Radi, the official spokesperson for the Presidency, stated that the President was briefed on the details of a project to establish a high-quality medical bandages factory in partnership with Canadian expertise, according to the highest internationally approved standards, to contribute to meeting relevant local needs.

In this context, the President directed to double the proposed production capacity of the project to facilitate future exports.

The meeting also witnessed the presentation of details regarding the establishment of a massive industrial complex in Ain Sokhna for the production of phosphatic and nitrogenous fertilizers, in cooperation with a reputable foreign partnership in this regard.

The President instructed to thoroughly review all the details of this important project, considering it as a new addition to the fertilizer production system at the local level, which is one of the most important inputs affecting agricultural production and food security, thereby helping to meet the state’s strategic direction to increase the area of agricultural land in Egypt.

Economic Suez Canal..granting the golden license to four companies within the industrial zone in Sokhna

Chairman of the General Authority for the Suez Canal Economic Zone, Walid Gamal El-Din Suez, and Hossam Ahmed Heiba, CEO of the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones, witnessed the handing over of the golden license to 4 companies, namely: BLM & Africa Company for the manufacture of medical bandages, Red Sea Wind Energy, and Genafax Egypt. To manufacture and trade serums, which will operate in the industrial zone in Sokhna soon, and Chinese Media about the expansion of production lines in Sadat City.

Walid Jamal Al-Din explained that the golden license comes within the framework of keenness to provide an attractive and encouraging investment environment, stressing the importance of overcoming obstacles to investment. He added that the projects that were granted the golden license today come within the framework of the industrial sectors targeted within the authority’s plan.
For his part, Hossam Heiba ​​said that the “golden license” includes more facilities in the procedures for obtaining various licenses for investment projects, stressing that investment opportunities are equally available to everyone, and that the current plan within the vision of the Egyptian state is based on improving the work environment and climate. Investment and overcoming any obstacles facing investors, as well as focusing on national investors and working to promote investment in Egypt to attract foreign investment, noting that the golden license was issued for a number of different investment projects recently.

As for the companies that have obtained the golden license within the economic zone, the Genafax factory for manufacturing vaccines and serums, which is planned to be established in the industrial zone in Sokhna, is located within the industrial developer Orascom, on an area of ​​50 thousand square meters with an investment volume of 150 million dollars, aiming to produce one million doses annually that will be fully exported to the local market to reduce the import bill in This sector will also provide approximately 500 direct job opportunities.

A golden license was also granted to Midea for its expansion in Sadat City. It is noteworthy that the dishwasher production line was recently opened within the Sokhna Industrial Zone affiliated with the Suez Canal Economic Zone on an area of ​​60 thousand square meters, within the scope of the industrial developer TEDA Egypt, which has a production capacity of 1.5 million. washing machine annually, at an investment cost of $25 million. The factory has provided 270 job opportunities, out of a total of 1,500 job opportunities over the course of future expansions.

It is worth noting that the golden license is a single approval to establish, operate and manage the project, including building permits, and facilitates the work of companies to begin implementing their projects directly with a single approval to operate the project without disruption. The license may be granted to companies that establish strategic or national projects aimed at achieving sustainable economic development. For countries and companies that establish partnership projects between the private sector and the state, in order to implement the state’s strategy in supporting investment and raising employment and employment levels.

President El-Sisi Follows-up on a Project for Establishing a High-Quality Medical Dressing Factory

Today, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi met with Director General of the National Service Projects Organization of the Armed Forces, Major General A.H. Walid Abu Al-Magd; Chairman of the Board of Directors of El-Nasr Company For Intermediate Chemicals, Major General Ihab Abdel Samie and Chairman of the Board of Directors of PIL Company for Medical Dressings, Dr. Abdel Moneim Azmy.

The Spokesman for the Presidency stated that the President was briefed on the details of the project to establish a factory for high-quality medical bandages in order to cover local needs. The project is established in partnership with Canadian expertise and in line with the highest approved international standards.

In this context, President El-Sisi gave directives to double the project’s proposed production capacity, which would later help in exporting.

During the meeting, a presentation was given detailing the establishment of a huge industrial complex in Ain Al-Sokhna to produce phosphate and nitrogen fertilizers, in cooperation with the longstanding foreign partnership in this regard.

The President further directed to give special attention to all details of this important project, which is considered as a new addition to the fertilizer production system at the local level. This is due to the fact that the local fertilizer production system is one of the most important inputs in and requirements for agricultural production and food security, which will help achieve the state’s strategic orientation toward increasing the area of ​​agricultural land in Egypt.